Last summer we were even on fire, now in spring we are proud. The project ‚Augmented reality in text books‘ comes to a conclusion. Four text books of the publishing house Klett in the subjects English and Math for different forms and federal states were provided with digital content by us. The text books will be available from school year 2016/2017 onwards.
This type of learning not only means a revolution of text books, also our school system experiences a positive innovation that we all have been waiting for years. This smart learning not only encourages the joy of learning, pupils deal more intense with single tasks as a consequence. Here again augmented reality cross borders. While CDs were bought with the text books in the past, text books today are upgraded with an own child-oriented app. Diverse pages in the text books are augmented with digital content, which can be downloaded by the mobile device. Besides comics in English or German language pupils are taught the tasks by songs, tutorials and videos. The digital content not only offer pupils the joy of learning, but faciliate them the comprehension of the task. More fun when solving the tasks also brings quicker success while learning.

The navigation of the app menu for elemantary school text books is so simple that early readers can use different content by clear symbols without any problems. We also considered that the apps are available online and offline as in schools wireless network is often not available. Thus pupils can benefit from digital content for the different tasks both at home and in school.
More information of this and further mixed reality projects can be found on www.treffpunkt-idee.com or send us an inquiry to info@treffpunkt-idee.com