It is obvious why we are writing shortly after Easter about Advent calendars. We today dedicate ourself to Advent calendars in order to make specifically the pre-christmas season tasty in the marketing point of view. Advent calendars which are not filled with flavorless chocolate or worn cent-products, but with sophisticated digital content.
For pre-christmas season one thing must not be missing: The extremely popular Advent calendar. 24 little doors full of excitiment, fun and anticipation, at least through the eyes of a 4-year old child. A few years later this child will also know what to expect and won´t be surprised when in little door no. 6 a small Santa made of chocolate waits for its consumption or to open the perforated little door of no. 24 on both sides. The Advent calendar not only serves the rise of the blood sugar level of your own children in the early morning, but is outstandingly suitable to maintain business relationships or to explain new customers your attractive range of products – if you do it right.
I would really like to build on this aspect and explain how to make it better.
Already last year Treffpunkt Idee was intensively involved with Augmented Reality Advent calendars and develops digital Advent calendars for different customers. It is not exactly a complete new idea to put Advent calendars in the limelight. Milka as well as well-known sweets manufacturer Windel already brought Advent calendars with digital content on the market over the last years.
Advantages of digital Advent calendars are:
- Digital content can be used by various clients without an increase of costs
- Easy conveyance of messages
- Curiosity & emotion will be awaked
- Entertainment
- Storytelling
- Own image will be strenghtened by AR or VR communication
- Clients are daily surprised, impressed and you ensure their loyality in innovative ways
- New customers are gained by an creative presentation of your product range
Due to the condition of Advent calendars unexpected solutions are offered. Especially high-quality calendars are perfect to include branded VR cardboard glasses. Thus clients can discover and feel digital content even more intensively and get to know your product range. It is also possible to extend a already exisiting app while digital content of the Advent calendar is smartly integrated. Advent calendars with Augmented Reality or Virtual Reality therefore not only set new standards in matter of entertainment – it offers its consumers a new form of game and interaction.
In addition to that your content is staged exciting and informative.
You already have a suitable concept on your mind, how to fill your Advent calender this year with digital content or you are excited by the idea of a digital Advent calendar? We gladly support you with realisation and are looking forward to your inquiry.