Just held again an invitation with costs for the New POS Summit 2014 this week in Cologne in my hand. Unfortunately we won´t be there, although the program sounds really exciting.
However, the program of this years ‚Verpackungsgipfels‘ with following motto: Online. Digital natives. Smart packaging sounded also very promising, but hasn´t kept anything what was promised.
We are particularly interested in the issue of:
What must provide PoS displays and packaging, to meet the expectations of digital natives?
It is a fact, that requirements to packaging and displays increase by growing use of mobile devices even in younger generations:
A PoS display, which promotes a competition. Great. I would like to compete, but I wouldn´t enter now a complete internet address?!
Next shelf.
Ahh, there is a QR code at least. Scanned, and…, and? An expressionless and especially not readable or even controllable website appears on the small screen. Closed – tough luck.
Next shelf.
Should I preferbly buy this device, or that one? The both packaging don´t provide much information. Only nice big pictures.
Enough! I believe you understand now. In the meantime we are used to get all further possible information with our smartphones. It already works really good with magazines for example.
And for packagings and PoS displays the above mentioned problems can be solved with very low or even without any nameable additional work.
QR- codes are the gate to further information. For packaging as well as PoS displays. Namely to information, which you can provide to your customers. Without a long search and probable landing to wrong sources.
Contents behind these QR codes, which are matched to the particular intended use, make sure that the user can really interact with your packaging and PoS displays, as desired:
- Without any further click users get further information, which hasn´t fit on the packaging any more, but are very useful to him. There are suggestions in one further click, what would fit for this purpose.
- Two clicks and you can take part at the competition directly in the supermarket without any typing.
- One click and the customer keeps an ear with an sales consultant..
In our opinion you are able to achieve a lot with this technique. We have already referred here and here to this issue and don´t stop making experiences and make the experience better.
As we are at the New POS summit, we would like to present the next step of course:
The interactive packaging, the interactive PoS- display. Real and digital worlds united seamlessly.
The interesting thing is, that real packaging and displays can be made with the common production methods as always. That means, that unit costs are much lower compared with other solutions as e.g. digital signage.
All digital things take place, where the user feels comfortable: on his own device and with all possibilities his device offers him.
Two years ago we have realized the first concept of an interactive PoS- display for lamps in this way.
The customer can choose the bulb fitting, for which he requires a lamp and then receives suitable lamps with further information like luminous intensity, light temperature etc. Thus he can choose the correct lamp directly on the display of his own device. Please find a short video thereto on the left side.
In a further project for our customer Nitro- Snowboards it is about a competition, which is promoted on hangtags in clothes, on POS displays in local retail stores as well as on the internet.
Following objectives were pursued:
- to promote the competition of course
- to bring Internet users to local stores
- to win customers of local shops as social media fans
Andi Aurhammer from Nitro Snowboards:
We could receive a highly positive resonance by this interactive tool and boost the sale appreciably.
You also find further information about this project by the producer of the PoS- displays.

These examples may serve as inspiration and marker, as we are at the beginning of a transformation, which integrates the digital intuitively and seamlessly in our environment. This makes it more exciting to actively shape this process.
If you have been looking for such an incentive as reader or participant of the New POS summit, we would be very happy to exchange more experiences and ideas with you. Because only in this way real innovations arise, which meets the demands of digital natives and thus shaping the steady POS successful. Please get in contact directly with one of our meeting points. Kontakt zu uns auf.
And who knows, maybe we can present one of these innovations together at the next New POS summit 2015.