You get yourself and others excited about augmented reality?

You know what you want and joy and fun are no foreign words to you? You want to really change something and look forward to definining your boundaries anew all the time? You want to rock?

You are looking for a challenge that you can adopt and surrender to regardless of common conventions? A challenge that gives you the possibility to decide when, where and how you want to work?

You are hungry for setting standards and to resume responsibility?

TREFFPUNKT IDEE is looking exactly for you!

TREFFPUNKT IDEE is seeking unconventional people who don’t work, but follow their vocation and have fun doing so!

Whether „full-time“ or free lancing, we are looking for people who want to change something!

Down below a description of what we expect. But don’t be too particular about it – when you are excited about augmented reality and the points at the top of this site don’t repel you –



Get in touch with us!





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